by Chris Morris | Sep 21, 2021 | Church News, Giving
Gabrielle Fleurisma remembers the duality of life in Haiti. “There is lots of poverty in the country and if the crops fail, people literally starve to death,” she said. “There is lots of tragedy and life is hard. It seems there is always a hurricane, earthquake,...
by Chris Morris | Sep 16, 2021 | Church News, Giving
Like all ministries of this type, the food pantry at Huntersville is driven by a heartfelt, deep conviction. “We just want people to know we’re here and we love them,” according to Wanda Kerns, coordinator of the Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays food pantry...
by Chris Morris | Aug 31, 2021 | Church News, Giving
The seventh season of the community breakfast ended with a common chorus of “thank you so much and see you next year” as patrons left the dining hall of First Baptist Church. It was a bittersweet ending for many of the volunteers who worked for three months providing...
by First Baptist Church - Huntersville | Jun 5, 2020 | Church News
In October of 2018, the members of First Baptist Church adopted the vision statements printed below to guide our work and ministry. Even then, God challenged us to champion the dignity of each person, the value of a diverse humanity unified in Christ, and the...
by First Baptist Church - Huntersville | Jun 5, 2020 | Church News, Latino Ministry
En octubre de 2018, los miembros de la Primera Iglesia Bautista adoptaron las declaraciones de misión y propósito, impresas abajo para guíar la obra y el ministerio. Incluso en ese entonces, Dios nos retó para resaltar la dignidad de cada persona, el valor de la...
by First Baptist Church - Huntersville | Apr 23, 2018 | Church News, Spiritual Growth
Did you know that FBC-H offers a ministry of “After-People”? Stephen Ministers are highly-trained lay members of our congregation who provide Christian support and encouragement for others who have experienced a difficult time or significant life change....