Weekday Ministry - Full-Day & Half-Day Preschool
Weekday Ministries at First Baptist Church provides a ministry to families by creating a safe, healthy, Christian environment for the children of working parents in the community.
Wee Learn, a faith-based curriculum published by Lifeway, provides opportunities for children to learn about God’s world and how to live in it. The Creative Curriculum, published by Teaching Strategies, Inc., incorporates literacy, math, science, social studies, technology, and dramatic play.

The full day program operates from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. year-round except for the weeks of Christmas and Independence Day. The half day preschool program operates from September through May.
The center operates under General Statute 110 and the child care rules for religious-sponsored child care center. Offering day care for infants and toddlers, full day and half day preschool (2’s, 3’s, 4’s), Transitional Kindergarten, and an after school educational program that is designed to help children in their mental, emotional, social, physical and spiritual development
The program is housed in the Family Life Center on the church campus. Call (704) 875-1520 or email to speak directly to the program office.