Adult Ministry
Through the use of spiritual disciplines and biblical studies, we equip the people of God for every good work of ministry and discipleship by promoting deepening personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

Most of the Sunday morning classes are segmented by age group and meet in the Sanctuary, Education Building, or Discipleship Center. Other short-term Bible studies for adults are offered on Wednesday evenings and periodically on Sunday mornings (both English speaking and Latino.)
Adult Ministry Blog

Small Groups & Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
Sundays: Sunday Morning Bible Studies - On Sunday Mornings 9:45 - 10:45 am, we have Bible Study groups for all ages of children, youth and adults. If you need more information about Bible Study options, please contact the church office ( /...

Growing Together
Since January of 2022 a small group of FBCH leaders have been participating in a yearlong Fuller Youth Institute learning cohort with 6 other North Carolina Baptist churches as a way to advance FBCH’s missional mandate of “building bridges” across generations. The...

Sharing God’s Love through Evangelism
At First Baptist Church, we believe in sharing God's Love. Our Evangelism Vision states, "Our passion is to share the Gospel. We are committed to equipping disciples to engage all people individually and with coordinated efforts as a church body. We will build...